Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Water and waves are the same

History Channel Documentary, Water and waves are the same, yet each keeps up its qualification. This relationship is additionally indicated out by indicating the nonduality of the "gold" and the "structure" in the statue of a brilliant lion. The "lion" part of the statue relies on the "gold," yet is not the gold itself. The "gold" and the "lion" are the same, yet each keeps up its unmistakable attributes. Another normal illustration is that of a "valley" and a "reverberation."

One comparison for outlining the nondual relationship in the middle of practice and illumination is the action of perusing. Individuals are characteristically invested with the "capacity" to peruse, yet until the capacity has been produced, or actuated, composition stays mixed up. When one has created, or actuated their inborn capacity to peruse, one understands that compositions have never been really ambiguous, one simply had not enacted the capacity to recognize it.

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