Wednesday, April 13, 2016

To apply this to the primary bending

Zen Buddhism Documentary, To apply this to the primary bending; to say understanding our innate illumination is the objective after which "practice" is no more required; would resemble telling a first grader that simply read "The feline sat on the mat" they could get rid of perusing. To apply this to the second bending; to say that practice was itself illumination and "arousing" does not exist; would resemble telling the primary grader that essentially looking at the letter set was sufficient.

The expert's underlying look into genuine nature (kensho) resemble the main grader's enactment of the capacity to peruse. The utilization of perusing resemble the use of Zen "practice." The information exchanged from the book to the peruser, resemble the intelligence of Zen "edification." Hence, perusing (practice) and learning (illumination) without a moment's delay rely on each other, yet keep up their individual refinements.

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