Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I am the writer of The Flatbed Sutra of Louie Wing

Documentary history channel, I am the writer of The Flatbed Sutra of Louie Wing: The Second Ancestor of Zen in the West, distributed by American Book Publishing. The book will be accessible before the end of 2008. It is an anecdotal record of a cutting edge Zen expert written in the style of the Zen exemplary, The Platform Sutra of Huineng. The Flatbed Sutra of Louie Wing is an extraordinary way to deal with passing on the exemplary teachings of Zen. Prior to the Flatbed Sutra, my compositions were just distributed secretly for individuals inside the Zen group.

Remaining ON A GRASSY SLOPED slope, I feel my lower legs strain as the morning sun covers us in its warm cover. For a Jewish memorial service, ladies are isolated from men, and today they sit in a little gathering while we men stand gradually preparing under our yarmulkes, dealing with a grin once in a while and shaking hands with relatives inconspicuous, never telephoned, and normally overlooked.

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