Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The major truth fundamental the true teachings of transmission

The major truth fundamental the true teachings of transmission concern the movement of knowledge (prajna) from the Buddha psyche of Buddhas and Zen bosses to the Buddha brain of professionals. This is the capacity that the expression "psyche to brain transmission" is utilized to demonstrate. Eihei Dogen frequently utilizes varieties of the expression "Buddhas together with Buddhas" when talking about this capacity. Ancient Discoveries.

Zen transmission is actualized by using reflection (Zazen, shikantaza, no-psyche, and so forth.) to brighten the shrewdness of "Buddhas" (as exhibited by educators, sacred text, treatises, rehearses, and so on.) under the "light" (of Buddha nature) characteristic in the specialist's own particular personality. This inalienable "light" is the "Buddha nature" that is wakened from torpidity with the specialists starting knowledge of "seeing into their actual nature" (kensho). At the point when the insight of "Buddhas" is brightened by the light of "Buddha nature" that intelligence is acknowledged (made genuine) in the specialist. Along these lines, the "Dharma" (instructing, law, truth, of Buddhism) is transmitted from Buddha (educators, precepts, practices) to Buddha (the inborn Buddha nature of all creatures).

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