Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Exotic Wildlife of Ladakh

nat geo wild 2016, Venture out Ladakh to experience the extraordinary and rarest fauna species. The Himalayan natural life creatures forces astonishing components and looks. They wander around uninhibitedly on the rough mountains and have received the elevated atmosphere of the Ladakh.

Avian Species

The Himalayan types of winged creatures are of extraordinary enthusiasm for the fledgling watchers. Ladakh is living space to various avian species like Tibetan snow cocks, unshaven vultures, griffon vultures and some more. Guests cam likewise observe some transient winged creature species including Black-necked crane and so on.

Fauna Species

nat geo wild 2016, Different types of fauna are habitant of Ladakh district. The Himalayan types of natural life have stunning elements and have received the chilly atmosphere of the slope town


The most captivating creature f Ladakh district is Yak. They can be seen looking on the Himalayan valleys at a height of 6,000 m. Their body is secured with shaggy dark hairs


The Ibex is a normal sort of goat having two great gigantic horns, bended in reverse in winding. The length of horn as a rule measures 147 cm. They can be found in crowds of 10-16. untamed life aficionados can see them climbing the steepest of precipices in Ladakh.


nat geo wild 2016, The Bharal otherwise called Blue sheep is a noteworthy natural life species occupying the areas of Ladakh. The assemblage of Bharal is secured with dark blue shading hairs and have qualities of both goat and sheep. Blue sheep can be seen at a height of more than 6,000 m.


The Chiru additionally alluded as Tibetan Antelope is an imperiled Himalayan creature. The creature is chased by the poachers for its fine fleece, which is utilized to make Shahtoosh. To guarantee the insurance of Chiru, exchange of Shahtoosh has been banned by the legislature.

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